The American Dream Tricked My Aspirations

What I value instead

Allison Murray
4 min readApr 14, 2022
Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

I had been dating my High School boyfriend for five years, and a diamond ring loomed between us. While a proposal seemed exciting to a 22-year-old me, something felt wrong. It was everything I wanted–right? A young marriage before my peers, the prospect of a large family as we both had Catholic upbringings and he was one of eight siblings, and a great job with a well-known company after graduation. What could possibly be wrong here? As a high achiever and in a society where marriage and kids are treated as an accomplishment, I was being tricked into a life not meant for me.

When I think of The American Dream it’s made up of a high-paying corporate job, marriage, at least two kids, and homeownership. It’s 2022, so I do realize that The American Dream has changed at least a bit from the 60s, but it’s surprising how many people still go down this journey. I also realize that this life works great for a lot of people and there is absolutely no shame in that. When it’s become the goal and ideal that a lot of us strive for without really knowing why that’s when it becomes a problem. And how could you not be enticed? Corporate jobs do pay a lot of money, and it’s always lovely to find a partner who cares and supports you in life. While I don’t have kids, I can imagine it being an unimaginable joy in your life. Therefore…



Allison Murray

Hi! My name is Allison, and I write about all sorts of topics.