But…Where Do You Get Your Protein?

A lifelong argument for vegans

Allison Murray
5 min readApr 12, 2022
Image from Adobe Stock

I was home in New Jersey for Christmas break and my dad asked me, “How do you get your protein?”

Aggressively I said, “Everything has protein in it, Dad. Even things you wouldn’t imagine like sweet potatoes. I don’t even have to think about it, and I get protein.”

He looked at me with surprise like I just bit his head off. Honestly, I did, and it’s because I’m so tired of people asking me how I get enough protein as a vegan.

Let me start by saying how much protein I get doesn’t matter and even if I got 1 gram a day, I would continue being vegan. It’s about saving animals and not about my health. The good news is, we don’t have to choose between treating animals or ourselves with kindness.

My introduction here may seem a bit intense because a lot of people have been taught that a plant-only diet will be detrimental to their health. Anytime I have a health ailment my loved ones ask if it’s because I’m vegan. Pretty sure my sprained ankle is from hiking and not my protein intake.

What is Protein?

Protein is indeed necessary for our survival. It’s one of the building blocks of our bodies and contributes to muscle, hair, nails, and skin health, among many other functions to…



Allison Murray

Hi! My name is Allison, and I write about all sorts of topics.