Books from Childhood

Allison Murray
5 min readJul 14, 2023

I never really imagined myself sleeping at my parents’ house, essentially homeless, at the age of 35, but here we are. My husband and I moved from Phoenix to Philadelphia and are waiting for an apartment in the city. My parents’ house is a comfortable living situation as the entire upper floor belongs to us at the moment. The greatest joy of being back is the shelves and shelves of books that decorate the house. My mom is an avid reader and has started her own little library. I keep picking up books that catch my eye and either get excited to read them (there are so many I haven’t read!) or they bring me back to when I was early in my reading years. I want to take you through some of those old favorites because maybe they are in your memories as well.

The inside of this was dated as a gift to my Dad in 1974

Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

Written in 1952

A pig is destined for slaughter as it’s the runt of the litter, but Fern, the farmer’s daughter, saves him at the last minute. She names him Wilbur, and Wilbur befriends a spider named Charlotte. Later, Charlotte helps Wilbur during his second brush with death. Honestly, just reading the summary made me want to cry a little bit.



Allison Murray

Hi! My name is Allison, and I write about all sorts of topics.